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What is the acoustic vehicle alerting system
 May 24, 2024|View:206

As electric and hybrid vehicles have become more prevalent on our roads, a new safety feature has emerged to help protect pedestrians - the Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System (AVAS).

AVAS is a system that generates an audible sound from electric and hybrid vehicles when traveling at low speeds. This helps alert pedestrians, cyclists, and others nearby that a vehicle is approaching, as electric motors tend to operate much more quietly than traditional internal combustion engines.

The sound emitted by AVAS is required by law to meet certain specifications. It must be audible between 500-5000 Hz and have a sound pressure level of 56 dB(A) or more as the vehicle travels at speeds up to 20 km/h (12 mph). Above 20 km/h, the natural noises from the vehicle become loud enough that the AVAS is no longer needed.

Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System

The goal of AVAS is to enhance road safety, especially in areas with high pedestrian traffic like urban centers, school zones, and residential neighborhoods. By providing an audible cue, AVAS helps blind, visually-impaired, and distracted pedestrians become aware of the approaching vehicle.

AVAS is now mandated for all new electric and hybrid vehicles sold in many countries around the world, including the United States, European Union, Japan, and China. As electric vehicle adoption continues to grow, this safety feature will become increasingly common on our roads.

As a leading Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System supplier, Yueda Electroacoustic Equipment has established itself as a premier manufacturer in this emerging safety technology. Their expertise in acoustic engineering and robust production capabilities allow them to deliver high-quality AVAS components that meet strict regulatory standards. Yueda's commitment to innovation has resulted in the development of advanced AVAS systems that provide clear, directional alerts to enhance pedestrian safety around electric and hybrid vehicles.

Furthermore, Yueda's vertical integration and extensive experience as an Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System supplier enable them to offer customized solutions and rapid turnaround to automakers. Their reputation for reliability and responsiveness has made Yueda a trusted partner for global vehicle manufacturers seeking to equip their electric and hybrid models with effective AVAS systems.

Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System

As a leading Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System supplier, Yueda Electroacoustic Equipment has established itself as a premier manufacturer in this emerging safety technology. Their expertise in acoustic engineering and robust production capabilities allow them to deliver high-quality AVAS components that meet strict regulatory standards. Yueda's commitment to innovation has resulted in the development of advanced AVAS systems that provide clear, directional alerts to enhance pedestrian safety around electric and hybrid vehicles.

Furthermore, Yueda's vertical integration and extensive experience as an Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System supplier enable them to offer customized solutions and rapid turnaround to automakers. Their reputation for reliability and responsiveness has made Yueda a trusted partner for global vehicle manufacturers seeking to equip their electric and hybrid models with effective AVAS systems.

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