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What is a white noise backup alarm
 May 14, 2024|View:236

Nowadays, the traffic environment is becoming increasingly complex, and the importance of safety equipment is growing. Among them, white noise backup alarms have been widely used. Perhaps some people are not familiar with white noise backup alarm, but below we will introduce them in detail!

The white noise backup alarm is a vehicle mounted alarm system designed to address the limitations and issues of traditional buzzer reverse alarms. Traditional buzzer backup alarms usually have several issues. Firstly, their monotonous beeps can become a source of noise pollution in the environment, angering people in the surrounding areas. Secondly, in workplaces or areas with high background noise, the effectiveness of the buzzing reverse alarm's heating beep in attracting attention and warning often decreases because people have become accustomed to this beep sound and cannot respond in a timely manner.

In addition, the design of white noise backup alarms usually considers durability and high standards. They can withstand mechanical vibrations of a certain intensity, such as 10g, and can operate stably within a wide temperature range of -40 to+85 ° C. They also comply with various international standards, such as CE marking and electronic marking (compliant with UN ECE R10), as well as SAE J994. This ensures that they can be used in various harsh working environments and vehicle types.

Some models of white noise backup alarms also have self-adjusting functions. They can monitor the environmental noise level once per second and automatically adjust the alarm volume to 5-10dB above the sampling noise level. For vehicles driving in areas with significant changes in environmental noise, this is particularly important to ensure that warnings are always clear and effective.

white noise backup alarm

In short, the white noise backup alarm is a revolutionary safety product that combines functionality, environmental friendliness, and effectiveness. Compared with traditional backup alarms, it has significantly improved in sound characteristics, directionality, and adaptability, providing a more reliable and efficient alarm method for various application scenarios.

Yueda Electronic Equipment is a manufacturer of white noise backup alarm. We have many years of experience and advantages in producing and selling white noise backup alarm. Firstly, we have advanced research and production technology for white noise backup alarms to ensure high quality and performance of our products, such as achieving excellent multi frequency sound generation and precise directionality. Secondly, we can offer a wide range of product models to meet the diverse needs of different customers and application scenarios, from small vehicles to large industrial machinery. Thirdly, we have a professional after-sales service and support system to ensure that users can receive timely technical guidance and maintenance services. In terms of cost, we strive to provide products with higher cost-effectiveness to gain a competitive advantage in the market.

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